At the core of certainty is


Through everything we do or create, we try to manage our business by being conscious of what we do that goes beyond our business. We strive for sustainable and equitable growth while making a meaningful, sustained local impact.

To reduce CO2 emissions by up to 1000 tonnes per annum equivalent to planting 1000 trees

Smart construction that reduces energy consumption

Effective and active Rain Water Harvesting

Chilling plants that emit reduced Greenhouse gasses

One of Soliflex’s significant CSR projects has been our work with the Government Happy Schools. We fully understand that if the local communities have to move ahead with certainty, education is perhaps the best guarantee. Our work to upgrade school facilities and infrastructure, has directly translated to increased student attendance and participation.

  • Painted the building, with up-to-date maintenance and increased security for students and faculty
  • Ensured clean and hygienic toilets and sanitation facilities
  • Availability of safe and adequate drinking water for everyone
  • Well stocked library and reading rooms
  • Access to play material, games and sports equipment
  • Benches, desks and clean classrooms for better student-teacher interaction and a safe learning environment
  • Well maintained separate space for teaching and admin staff.